Looking for Porn in All the Right Places

I'm still out pounding the pavement, visiting Japan's most recognized names in bondage porn.

art smSomeone asked me what the hell I hoped to accomplish with these surprise visits, as it were. I guess I haven't been too clear about that. Actually, I have a few goals in mind.

First, I'm looking to pick up some freelance editing work. I'd eventually like to parlay that into work as a director. This was initially inspired by the fact that it hasn't been easy getting good distribution. If I hook up with a bigger company, I don't have to worry about that part of the equation.

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Ninja's Secret Weapon: Triple D Distraction

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A reader wrote to me inquiring about a video he had seen online. He believed the title was Kunoichi and he supplied the URL. He was interested in getting more information on this video.

I checked it out. Although this was definitely a Japanese video, the site in question was completely in English. Furthermore, it appeared that someone had uploaded virtually the entire video. It's a free streaming site and the video was broken up into four segments. I link to, or embed, short videos and trailers. I don't link to these kinds of sites for obvious reasons.

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About That Script...

Awhile ago I mentioned that I was in the process of writing a script for a kick ass piece of video schlock that I was intending to shop around. Well, the script has been finished and I finally visited the first place on my list which just happens to be the biggest purveyor of porn in Japan.

I had been to this place once before several years ago. At that time, I just breezed through the front door and into the elevator. There was an elderly gentleman serving as a security guard of sorts on the first floor but he just smiled and waved me along.

I wasn't as lucky this time.

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The Mind and Techniques of Arisue Go

Arisue Go, noted bakushi with over three decades of experience and rope master for the newest Hana to Hebi films, has already left for Europe with his partner, Kogure. Among other things, they will be attending KinbaCon as special invited guests. Arisue-san will be teaching authentic Japanese kinbaku to the lucky attendees.

book holdBefore they left, the pair were able to put the finishing touches on their new book: Arisue Go's Kinbaku: Mind and Techniques 1. I understand they took several copies with them to Europe. The rest of us will have to wait until May 27 when the book starts shipping officially.

Almost forgot to mention: this book is written in English. A lot of folks in the West have been clamoring for an instruction book on kinbaku written by an acknowledged master of the art.

I believe this is the first time a Japanese bakushi has put out a book actually aimed at the English-speaking market. To be honest, I'm not aware of any instructional manuals which have even been translated into English, let alone written specifically for Western rope enthusiasts who aspire to learn the ropes in the classic Japanese way.

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SM Predator Available Soon for Download

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Before I get to the main event, just thought I'd mention that the previous post, the Master "K" interview, broke all the records around here. The interview seems to have been very well received. For a guy who doesn't toot his own horn, Master "K" is certainly well known in the community of serious Japanese bondage aficionados.

In other news, a friend alerted me to the fact that Loft Plus One will be hosting the notorious Mira Kurumi in some sort of event coming up soon. I'm going to try to get to this to see about covering it for the blog.

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