Esinem in Osaka -- The Predator Lurks

I received an email from Esinem letting me know he had arrived in Osaka safe and sound. He'll be spending several days in the Kansai region before coming here to Tokyo.
I believe I've already mentioned that I met Esinem last year in Tokyo when he came here to study kinbaku with various masters of the art. He ended up being interviewed by the people at S&M Sniper when it was still in magazine form. There was a video interview included in the DVD that accompanied the magazine. I also believe he got some coverage in the magazine itself either on that or a previous occasion.
We had a good time eating Korean BBQ at some place in Shin-Okubo, just a stone's throw from Shinjuku on the Yamanote line.
So what do two perverts talk about while gorging on pork and beer? Why, making an SM movie, what else?
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