Direct from London

esinem blog 2

Hello, everybody. I'd like to say how pleased I am to be helping KabukiJoe in this new endeavour. Knowing what I do of this dirty old (gentle)man's writings, I can see this being the place to keep your finger on the pulse of what's hot on the scene.

Firstly, let me introduce myself. I'm a bondage artist and teacher from London, a well-known figure on the scene...or maybe just notorious, since I think I am considered to be something of a "rigger in the woodpile" due to my outspoken and often mischievous posts on certain forums. I met KJ through Osada Steve on one of my trips to Japan to take kinbaku lessons and we have kept in touch since. I won't bore you with my full biography, but if you want to find out more, it's all on my site.

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