Pink Dawns, AV Eclipses

Here's a tip: If you want to find cool stuff from Japan, check out Yahoo Auction at Yahoo's Japan site. The fact that it's in Japanese scares off a lot of people. But if you can navigate that particular hurdle, I'm told you can find what you're looking for.

That's how this particular find happened: two long out-of-print vintage VHS tapes of the father of live SM shows in Japan, Osada Eikichi.

These two videos, Orgasm I and II, are from 1983 and are real collectors' items. These videos take us back to the sunset of celluloid and the dawn of videotape.

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The Man Who Gave Akechi Denki His Start

Just when I think I've got a handle on who's who in the Japanese SM world, another name pops up that had been heretofore completely unknown to me. The latest addition to the list of personalities I should have known about, but didn't, is one Mr. Sakurada Denjiro (桜田伝次郎).

Sakurada Denjiro goes back to the 1970s and it would appear that he was one of the first performers to stage live bondage shows in Japan. Not the first. Osada Eikichi tends to be credited with that achievement. However, it comes as no surprise that Sakurada was apparently influenced by Osada's performances and Osada may have assisted Sakurada in getting his own shows started.

Osada Kazumi mentions Sakurada Denjiro in her history of Osada Eikichi.

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Where Is She Now?

I first came across this gorgeous creature via the 1990s sexy late night TV show, Gilgamesh Night. This program, long since off the air, also featured popular actresses Mizutani Kei and star-crossed Iijima Ai.

I have previously reported that Ms. Mizutani appeared in an episode with Randa Mai, a young nawashi at the time. Randa performed a bondage suspension on a topless and blindfolded model and later applied some rope, loosely, to Mizutani after the latter had obligingly removed her top.

Ms. Iijima had a rough childhood and got into porn at a young age and then appeared on Gilgamesh Night as the "T-Back Queen". She went on to a successful career in mainstream television but retired suddenly and was later found dead in her Shibuya apartment in December 2008.

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Videopalooza: Deadly Pussy Ninja

I have a bunch of videos I've come across that I thought were interesting but just haven't had the right post to put them with. So I thought, why not just have a video post? A videopalooza, if you will.

Might as well start with this one. It doesn't have anything to do with SM except for the fact I saw this lady's show once at a sleazy strip place out in Chiba Prefecture that was hosting some live bondage shows the same day. Osada Steve was there. I met Randa Mai for the first time and some famous mistress was there as well whose name escapes me at the moment. She's known for getting hapless volunteers up on stage with her and treating them to a golden shower.

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Hana to Hebi 3 Meets the Press Aug. 4

The date draws near for the release of Hana to Hebi 3, aka Flower and Snake 3. I'm not sure where I'll be on Aug. 28, but I suppose quite a few bondage fans will be sitting in a theater someplace watching Komukai Minako get herself all tied up in the latest homage to the novel Dan Oniroku wrote nearly 50 years ago.

Before that, though, on Aug. 4 at Shibuya Duo Music Exchange, Komukai will appear along with Arisue Go, who once again tied the ropes for the movie, for a media event. Things will kick off at 18:30 and it appears that Arisue will show a bit of his rope technique on the lovely and busty Komukai.

A photo book is supposed to have been released on July 1 and it looks like they'll be coming out with one of those "teaser" DVDs like they did for the 2004 version of Hana to Hebi which starred Sugimoto Aya. The DVD looks like it's about 45 minutes long. Make sure you don't confuse it with the DVD of the actual movie when that eventually comes out.

We now have a website for the movie. Interestingly, it's being hosted by DMM, a company I've written about in the past, which may have the distinction of being the largest provider of AV in Japan.

Here's the direct link to a short video of Arisue Go demonstrating his shibari technique.


1. Source
2. Nuitdetokyo, FetLife

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