Ikejima Yutaka at Kin's Bar in July

Judging by the thermometer (and the sweat dripping from my face), summer is here. What better way to escape the humidity than to ensconce oneself in the cool, dark environs of one of Tokyo's bars or clubs? The drinks may be cold but the action will be sizzling, giving the blasting air con a run for its money.

Here's a list of what's coming up:


This one's not a bar, but 2010 marks the 90th anniversary of the birth of Minomura Kou, one of the most acclaimed men in the world of Japanese SM. He died in 1992 at the age of 72 but his spirit lives on at this exhibition of his art at Vanilla Gallery. In addition, on June 26, Saotome Hiromi will give a talk on the master.


Goth, SM, cosplay, you name it. This is an all-nighter and will be held in Shibuya from 23:30 to 6:00. Here's the address in Japanese. Get to copy'n and paste'n.
Address: 道玄坂2-29-5

KIN'S BAR July 2

Beginning at 18:00, this one is going to be amazing. Last time Saotome Hiromi and Shima Shikou were there. This time I am advised the guest of honor will be none other than legendary pink film actor and director, Ikejima Yutaka. This fellow is reported to have directed more than 100 pink films and acted in more than 500. I've also heard that an actress (or actresses?) from the pink film world will be stopping by.


At Shibuya O-East from 17:00 to 22:00

Thanks to Nuitdetokyo on FetLife for info on a couple of these events.

A Visit to Kin's Bar -- Tanaka Kinichi's Big Event

I received word of this event almost literally at the last minute. At first I thought I'd have to take a pass. I had no plans to go into Shinjuku on Friday and since I had to be there again on Saturday, I wasn't looking forward to making the additional trip.

But then I reconsidered. Here's what was happening: Renowned bondage photographer Tanaka Kinichi was having the grand opening of his Kin's Bar, a bar that, as far as I know, had been merely a set in one of his photo studios up to this point. On Friday night it would be turned into a real bar and Tanaka was pulling out all the stops to make the event a success.

The part that really sealed the deal for me was that actress, model and performer Saotome Hiromi was going to be there.

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Flower & Snake 3 Set for Aug. 28 Release in Japan

The film that has had more comebacks than Rocky Balboa is set for nationwide release in Japan on Saturday, Aug. 28. Hana to Hebi 3 (Flower and Snake 3) will have its "roadshow" this summer and will star former gravure idol, Komukai Minako.

Ms. Komukai recently celebrated her 25th birthday at a restaurant in Ebisu. The press got the lowdown on the new film in addition to reporting on Ms. Komukai's low-cut dress which barely contained her massive F-cup breasts.

Ms. Komukai told the hacks present that bondage turned out to be more strenuous than she had expected and said that she had been tied to bamboo poles and even hung upside down by her ankles.

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Location, Location, Location

If all goes according to plan, I should be shooting something the early part of June. This time I plan to memorialize the event with video in addition to stills. Just one problem: I'm a fanatic when it comes to location. For me, just any old place won't do. As a result, Motel 6, my apartment and faux red plastic dungeons are out.

There are the so-called SM hotels around Tokyo. Most of them appear to be of the red plastic dungeon variety. They are filled with stupid-looking bondage chairs, St. Andrew's crosses and other useless garbage. Much too Western-looking -- and red -- and plasticky.

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Whatever Happened to John Blakemore?

About 40 years ago, an uncommon man living in a very common place sent some peculiar photos to a new publishing concern in Southern California. The company, HOM (House of Milan), ran the photos in one of their magazines. And the rest, as they say, is history.

We don't know the name of the photographer. He used aliases, including Jason Whitman and John Blakemore. But it doesn't really matter. All that matters is that, for nearly two decades, “John Blakemore” churned out some of the finest bondage photo sets and films of the 1970s and 80s.

Some would argue that his work was the best, even up to the present time.

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