Nostalgia and The Six Degrees of Kinbaku

I've recently got quite wrapped up in matters involving the history of kinbaku in Japan as well as the exchange of SM materials between Japan and the US.

Thanks to Master "K", I learned that there was an outfit in Japan called the Phoenix Co. and that it was responsible for sending some very high quality, color bondage images across the Pacific in the 1970s. I saw at least two of these magazines with my own eyes. My memory is fading but I believe they were titled Osaka Bondage and Sapporo Bondage.

I'm not sure if I believed at the time the photos were actually taken in those cities, but now I simply think the people who published the magazines in the US found these to be convenient titles.

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You Can Never Be Too Thin or Have Too Much Rope

So I went shopping today and picked up asanawa and tenugui. Believe it or not, this is the first time I've bought my own asanawa. I've used it before, yes, but have been satisfied in the past to use my cotton rope from the 100 yen shop! Oh, that and my nasty (and dirty) rice rope from the home center. That stuff kicks ass. And it's cheap.

The asanawa came in a set of 10 pieces, 6mm in diameter, 10m in length.

One thing seems to be true: Once you've used good asanawa, you just seem to want to keep on using it. It's really amazing rope. Especially for our purposes.

Also had a nice lunch with one of my pals. He lent me a video that was produced many years ago by Cinemagic and Yukimura Haruki. There's plenty of eye candy in it but it is mainly about Minomura Kou and features Arisue Go, Dan Oniroku and Nureki Chimuo among others. I had seen this video years ago but didn't realize its significance at that time.

I have a goal now to have this video translated into English. We'll see how that works out.

Some more shots of my booty.

By the way, all these tenugui are printed, not dyed. The dyed ones can get quite expensive.


Shintoho's SM Film Legacy

Ages ago (back in the days of VHS) there was a company in Los Angeles called Orchid (or Orchids) International that was importing Japanese films. Among them were three or four SM pink movies from Shintoho. Each one started with the words: Violence Porno!

I have never seen these films in Japan, much to my consternation. Each one had the lovely Oka Naomi, also known as the other Naomi, and each one was crammed full of excellent shot-on-film bondage action. Tani Naomi gets all the press while Oka Naomi seems to have faded into oblivion. Every now and then I wonder where she is and what she's doing.

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Hajime Kinoko, In His Own Words

While I'm slaving away here trying to get this interview I recently conducted ready for publication, I thought I'd post these photos I received from Hajime Kinoko which were taken at his rope event in Shibuya a few weeks back. These photos were taken by another photographer and present a little different perspective from the ones I posted here earlier.

Also, there are three new photos at the end giving a taste of the hojojutsu demonstration.

In addition, the recorded interview with Kinoko was given the once-over by the multi-talented rida and she has provided us with some more usable quotes which I've superimposed over the photos.

Anyway, the next report is an interview I recently conducted with superstar bondage photographer, Sugiura Norio, and I'll have that up next week sometime. There is a lot of historical information in this piece (Sugiura goes back to the early 70s) and, as a result, I've had to do a lot more research than is usually the case and there is some other work going on behind the scenes as well.

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Saotome Hiromi Takes Over as Black Heart Mama-San

People who know me know I'm nearly obsessed with actress and model Saotome Hiromi. In fact, I'm just this far away from constructing one of those creepy shrines you hear about every now and then. The only thing stopping me is lack of space in my shoebox apartment.

So it comes as interesting news, indeed, to find out what she's up to these days.

The last I saw of her was her appearance in the film Bakushi, but that was some time ago now. I know she had been a writer for SM Sniper magazine (when they were still in business). Prior to that she had a long and illustrious career as an actress in big and low budget SM flicks.

Now it has been announced that Ms. Saotome will take over as the new mama-san of the fetish bar Black Heart in Ginza. What is a mama-san? A mama-san is basically the manager of a place and, especially in the fetish business, one of the, or perhaps the, most important ingredients to the successful running of such an operation.

They are throwing a party on March 13 beginning at 20:00 in honor of Ms. Saotome's appointment. As far as I know, Black Heart is still an SM style hostess bar with a lot of conversation going on, so you should probably go equipped with a pretty good knowledge of Nihongo. With that in mind, I'll give you all the deets here in the original lingo.

銀座BLACKHEART メールマガジン

新ブラックハート ★☆★リニューアル記念★☆★ 就任披露パーティー 3月13日土曜日 20時~LAST 料金 男性¥13,000、女性¥2,000(フリータイム、フリードリンク)




銀座ブラックハート BLACKHEART


営業時間月曜~土曜/PM20:00~25:00 定休日/日曜・祝日

By the way, the special guest will be Raika.


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