Toubaku Reports + Mega Galleries

I heard more than once that the promoters of the Nawaya Toubaku winter bondage event in Tokyo on Jan. 29-30 were concerned that the event hadn't had enough advance PR. Apparently, the idea of turning it into an international event had come relatively late in the process. They needn't have worried. The club in Shibuya was packed. In fact, I'd hate to see the place any more crowded than it was.

Full disclosure: I was out of town on the first day of the event but was there on the second day.

There were photographers and video crews all over. Video people came from London and France (I believe). I pretty much gave up trying to get a better location for snapping pics. Fortunately, thanks to Rida, I have been able to secure a lot of photos so I'm putting up three galleries; one featuring Hajime Kinoko performing his trademarked neo kinbaku, Naka Akira performing traditional kinbaku, and Shishiwaka doing something in between.

For more detailed reports, I recommend visiting these blogs:

Rida's blog
Hedwig's blog

Shima Shikou was there tying up ladies for 1,000 yen a pop. Kind of reminded me of a kissing booth except, instead of getting a kiss from a pretty lady, the pretty ladies got tied up by the King of SM.

Artist Ozuma Yoko was there selling original, one-of-a-kind seme artwork -- the kind only he can do. One of the most expensive was going for 80,000 yen (over $800 US) but the others were close in price. And they were practically all sold out. Recession? What recession?

Photographer Sugiura Norio was also there with a booth. His photos are as unique and evocative as are Ozuma's masterpieces.

I came across Nawashi Murakawa of London. He held a sketching event which I missed. Very nice guy.

Mark and Lani were in town from Australia.

And Esinem performed at Nawaya Toubaku with Yuki-chan. He also put on a show with Inessa at the private party after the main event was over.

And now, on to the galleries.

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