Cherry Blossoms Beckon -- Esinem Returning to Japan

Electric Fairie is also known as Panda. I have the nickname of Tako (octopus) amongst some in Japan, allegedly on account of my bald head. Although, I hear there is an altogether less flattering slang meaning.
I won't go into that right now. I'm just happy to be able to get back to Japan in order to further my studies of the fine art of kinbaku -- oh, and to gorge myself on Korean BBQ once again with KabukiJoe in Okubo.

Crimson's debut, 18 April
Saturday, 18th April is Crimson's launch night. This is definitely one to put in your diary if you are within striking distance of London's Hidden (voted best venue of 2008 by The London Gay Sex and Fetish Awards).
As you'll see from the flyers, I was called upon to suitably truss up the models for them and a pleasure it was too. As you might have guessed, I know the team behind Crimson and have been privy to some of the preparations. Ascend, one of the Crimson organisers, helped out with the sadly missed Hades and I know he plans to emulate the best aspects of that club with a few new ideas from his delightfully twisted mind.

It's your choice just how far you let yourself go. Music will be from resident and guest DJs playing everything from Smashing Pumpkins to Pantera (Miss Micro of Dark and DJ Demonic from Decadance and Disorder, already confirmed).
Ascend will be doing needle play with Pink Gem, I'll be slinging the string but with a sting, and Maria B will be doing a hardcore interrogation scene with Just Stephen. And when Maria gets going, the tough get...nervous!
Vote now for the Bondage Awards
Okay, I'm on the campaign trail now. Voting started today for the 2009 Bondage Awards. Obviously, I'd love your vote but I think it's high time we got some Japanese bondage represented there regardless.
Whilst there are some damn good riggers nominated, we never see the names of any of the Japanese masters or much of us Westerners who do their best to attempt to emulate them or, indeed, succeed spectacularly, like Osada Steve. The good thing about the voting system is that you don't get just one vote. You can vote every day, so you can give all your favourite riggers one...erh, so to speak.
However, the Awards are not just about riggers but also models, photographers and so on. I shall certainly be putting in a few votes for Asagi Ageha and Suguira Norio in those two categories. Step this way to the polling booth and cast your vote!
Just Rope is back
In spite of what their website says, the next Just Rope event will be on Sunday, 8th March 2009. The event will start at 5pm with doors open until 7pm. The event will finish at about 10:30 pm or when people are all roped out. The event is in their usual West London location, all genders, skill levels and styles are welcome as long as all play includes rope.
This is exactly what it says on the can, just rope-based play. No dancing but plenty of socialising around the bar. You'll find it a pleasant and very well-equipped venue, i.e., several bondage cubes with electric hoists and other pieces of equipment, plus numerous mats.
Tickets are £10 in advance via PayPal (please send names for the door with your purchase to Alternatively, advance tickets will be available from me at the following events:
* London Munch
* Sweet Torments
* Putney Munch
* London Alternative Market
I've just uploaded a new video to YouTube. As far as I can see, it is within their guidelines as there is no nudity and is all in the "best possible taste". Let's see if it gets past the censorship crusaders. (ed. It didn't. Link is to a different site).
Eden, who you will remember if you've seen any of my previous galleries, is bound in a live session, rather than just a photo shoot. Her reactions are beautiful, I think you'll agree.
I'm dead chuffed as this has got a lot of praise and, according to Osada Steve, I have reached the Holy Grail of producing something that can be called shibari.
Whatever you call it, I feel it embodies what my rope work is really about: creating this effect on the person I am binding. I feel strongly that good bondage of any style is about the way you apply the rope, not just the tie. This is something I emphasise in my teaching.
Esinem blogs and binds from his home base in the UK. He is a regular contributor to SM Detective.