Double 外国人 Attack!!

Spring is just around the corner and that means we'll soon be welcoming the cherry blossoms. But that's not all we'll be welcoming.
A pair of Western riggers will be showing up in Japan in the not-too-distant future. They'll be arriving with a couple of blonde, blue-eyed babes, ready to sit under the trees with a bottle of sake and contemplate the beauty of the sakura.
When they're not doing the hanami thing, they'll be studying for their Ph.Ds in kinbaku with various masters around town. Esinem and Electric Fairie will be coming from London while Mark and Lani will fly in from Sydney.
Esinem and Electric Fairie will arrive towards the end of March and start things out in Osaka. Mark and Lani will come straight to Tokyo a bit later. Although I believe their trips were planned independently, I'm pretty sure their paths will cross at some point in Tokyo.
Both of these gentlemen are showmen at heart so I wouldn't be surprised if they wind up putting on some performances while here. In fact, I thought this was such a good idea I whipped up some cyber posters (see left sidebar) to get the word out a bit. For anyone interested, their contact details are on the posters. They can be reached through this blog as well.
Both Esinem and Mark are serious students of kinbaku. They like to do things the right way. That's why they come to Japan to learn how it's really done. This isn't the first time they've traveled to Japan and I'm sure it won't be the last. But the time and effort they've already put into learning this art has certainly paid off.