Conventions and Groups Abound

As you probably already know, there are lots of "groups" out there catering to just about any fetish imaginable. It seems that Yahoo Groups is a popular platform for this kind of communication. Although I haven't noticed this recently, in the past some people I know have had their Yahoo Group taken down.
I discovered a website called FetLife that lets people start their own group using FetLife's server space. They have a ton of groups over there. I joined the Kinbaku and Shibari groups. The Kinbaku group seems to be the best fit for me. They keep things more focused on Japanese bondage. Some other groups have gotten watered down with all sorts of topics I, personally, have no interest in. But that's just me. Some of these are very popular so they're obviously doing something right.
Hit the Read More link for additonal coverage and videos.
Through the Kinbaku Group I came across some folks in Ukraine who are putting on the KinbaCon meeting in the city of Lviv. They have invited Arisue Go and Kogure to teach authentic Japanese kinbaku techniques, so the two will be traveling to Europe in May for this event.
The folks who run the Kinbaku group, the Demonsix team, are dedicated devotees of real Japanese kinbaku. At least half of the team can read Japanese, so they are able to present translations of extremely interesting writings of Japanese masters -- things that would ordinarily go completely unnoticed by English-speaking kinbaku enthusiasts. Of course, this is just a part-time labor of love for them so there are limits as to how much of this amazing reporting they are able to do. But it's the only place on the web I've seen this kind of material and it's very much appreciated.

From time to time, Master "K" will answer questions posed by group members.
If you're interested in the history and backstories of some of the most renowned individuals to have appeared on the Japanese kinbaku scene over the last 100 years or so, you will be astounded by the depth and breadth of this man's knowledge of the subject.
Master "K" has written two books on kinbaku. The most recent, The Beauty of Kinbaku, has just recently come out.
And now, for your viewing pleasure, we present the following videos. Remember, the first two are from the NicoNico video site and it's necessary to register in order to watch the vids. Let me know if you have, or haven't, been able to register successfully.
Update: Nico Nico videos are now embedded.
The third video is similar to one I posted before. A different Japanese girl, equally luscious and exhibitionistic, putting on a little show for us in her living room.